Shoe Care


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Sneaker Shields
Sneaker Shields
Sale price€11,90
Travel Kit
Travel Kit
Sale price€19,90
Spray Can 200mL
Spray Can 200mL
Sale price€14,90

Shoe Care

Crep Protect: The Ultimate Defense for Your Sneakers

Advanced Protection Technology:
Crep Protect has established itself as a leader in the sneaker care industry with its innovative line of products designed to keep sneakers looking like new. Central to its offerings is Crep Protect Spray, a revolutionary formula that creates an invisible protective barrier on the surface of shoes, repelling liquids and preventing stains from setting. This technology ensures that droplets of water and other liquids form into beads and roll across the surface, making cleaning easier. Ideal for use on a variety of materials including suede, nubuck and canvas, Crep Protect Spray is essential for anyone looking to preserve the immaculate condition of their sneakers.
Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions:
In addition to its signature spray, Crep Protect offers a range of products adapted to every aspect of sneaker maintenance. The Crep Protect Cure Cleaning Kit is a comprehensive solution for sneaker enthusiasts, featuring a blend of natural ingredients that gently but effectively removes dirt and stains. Complete with a high-quality brush and microfiber cloth, this kit guarantees a deep clean without damaging the shoe material. For those who need a quick fix, Crep Protect Wipes offer a portable solution for on-the-go shoe care, perfect for dealing with unexpected spills and scratches.
Innovative Accessories for Sneaker Preservation:
Understanding the importance of sneaker preservation, Crep Protect has expanded its product line to include innovative accessories like Crep Protect Pill, a shoe refresher that fights odor-causing bacteria, ensuring your sneakers stay fresh inside and out. . Additionally, the Crep Protect Box offers a stylish and functional storage solution, featuring a stackable, UV-resistant design that protects sneakers from sunlight and dust. These accessories, along with Crep Protect's commitment to quality and innovation, make the brand a comprehensive resource for all sneaker care needs.
Crep Protect's range of sneaker care products represents a blend of innovation, effectiveness and ease of use, making sneaker maintenance accessible to novices and collectors alike. By offering advanced protection and cleaning solutions, Crep Protect ensures that sneaker enthusiasts can keep their precious footwear in optimal condition, protecting their investment and passion for sneakers.